Monday, 11 February 2013

Bits, bobs and buzzards

Firstly, a bird box update. After constructing them during the Christmas holidays I didn’t know what to expect. They did provide a welcome, temporary shelter for some wrens during the recent cold snap. And so far the blue tits seem to be taking a great interest in them, perching on the threshold, going in and out. Fingers crossed for more drama over the forthcoming weeks.
            Now plants. Last year the drive was covered in tiny self set primrose plants. Using a fork in autumn, I painstakingly put them into a seed tray and despite the snow and ice around 50 have survived. Last weekend I began to plant them out into the spinney where they’ll hopefully flourish. On a good year we have great, pale buttery mounds erupting through the ivy groundcover there, and by adding more I’m just giving nature a helping hand. Primroses and cowslips seem to like my heavy clay soil and both of them are favourite spring flowers. Whilst on my hands and knees I looked up to see the return of the waxwings – a bonus which I hadn’t thought I'd see again this winter.
            Finally – and this is breaking news as I write - the pine plantation opposite me is alive with buzzards that are being mobbed by crows and crows that are being mobbed back by buzzards. As dramatic as a First World War dogfight and every bit as noisy. Never mind the Rolling Stones, Boomtown Rats or Fleetwood Mac, birds are the great comeback artists. Every winter no matter how harsh, bitter or persistent the pigeons return to coo, the ravens to cackle and buzzards to mew.  And the great thing is that their concerts are free!

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